• These are the strongest opponents currently available for general challenge in NS.
  • It is generally advised that you wait until you are several levels higher than the bosses that you are fighting.
  • 3 man teams are encouraged at first, but many view "soloing" the bosses as an impressive accomplishment.
  • All bosses have respectively high HP and do respectively high amounts of damage.
  • Each boss may only be defeated once per day, and will drop 1 of 5 levels of magatama, with a very low chance to drop a weapon (which can now be upgraded in the Blacksmith's Shop with the exception of the Battle Turtle Kunai).
  • Bosses CAN be stunned or restricted (or any variation of those) but they can also resist these effects.
  • All of the following HP and CP data was calculated by me using Prison Colliding Wave.

Standard Strategy/Advice

  • Recruit two allies (preferably emblem users with Fire and Water that have token skills), and if possible equip token skills that have draining effects such as Hellfire and Prison Colliding Wave. Use these skills as early and often as you can to drain the largest amounts of HP.
  • Talents- Having a team that can all use Hidden Silhouette definitely helps. The higher the rate of Silhouette capture and the higher the level of Secret Silhouette: Strangle, the better. (If your whole team can use these skills you essentially triple the chances of causing Hidden Silhouette which triples the draining abilities of Strangle for incredible damage.)
  • Weapons such as Snake Soul and Burning Yanki Sickle also drain a considerable amount of HP from bosses.
  • Pets such as Keiko, Leiko, Kisuke, Yamaru, and Yajiro, as well as any other pet with draining abilities, restricting and stunning abilities, are highly valued in boss battles.
  • It is important to note that while many effects will cancel out if overlapped (favoring the most recent cause of the effect despite duration of the initial cause), some effects don't overlap. For instance, if you use Hellfire and Keiko uses Fiery Flame, the enemy will suffer both a BURN effect and a BURNING effect that will not cancel each other out.


Ginkotsu - Level 10 
(rank C)

Shikigami Yanki - Level 20 
(rank C)

Geddo Sessho Seki - Level 25 
(rank B)

Tengu - Level 30 
(rank B)

Byakko - Level 40 
(rank A)

Ape King - Level 50
 (rank A)

Battle Turtle - Level 55 
(rank A)

Soul General Mutoh - Level 60 
(Rank S)